Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Managed Detection and Response

Secure your business with simple, affordable enterprise-grade protection

Risk is everywhere in the modern, digitized healthcare environment. Fortunately, PatientLock has you covered, 24/7/365.

In the always-on complex healthcare landscape, businesses face challenges when it comes to implementing a resilient cybersecurity program and achieving compliance against regulatory guidelines.

  •  Managing multiple, non-integrated security point solutions.
  • Lack of Information Technology (IT) and Information Security (IS) resources.
  •  Historic costs of security technology and services.
  • Competing priorities like patient care, maintaining EMR and PM systems, etc.

Using our technology and people, PatientLock Managed Detection and Response (MDR) eliminates barriers to better security.

We protect your business 24/7/365

On-premise legacy systems



Perimeter Devices (i.e. firewall, UTM)

Active Directory


Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems

Cloud Applications

Cloud Storage


Our team of specialized security experts is laser focused on protecting your organization and assets 24/7/365, so you can focus on patients.


Powerful and integrated technologies, machine learning, and military-grade threat intelligence help PatientLock analysts identify malicious activity faster than any other security solution on the market.


Once a critical threat is identified, PatientLock contains it and closes the gap to mitigate future exploitation.

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